Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I Used to Like FourSquare, When it Was a Recess Game.

Since I'm a critically acclaimed and uber-famous reviewer of bars, some of my dedicated readers (ahem, my mom) wondered if I'd be interested in FourSquare, you know, for my journalism. In case all you other dedicated readers (still Mom) are wondering, here are my thoughts:

FourSquare is great for people who like getting robbed.

And it's just like Loopt. Eventually people realize it's a little creepy to just let everyone know where you are all the time. The people who don't find it creepy are most likely the same dudes looking for hookups on Craigslist. Not me. Plus, why should we make it this easy for all the stalkers out there? Where's the art? Where's hair dolls and love poetry written on swatches of clothing you used to own and thought had lost?

I'd love to hear what you guys think about these simplified stalking tools and if you're using them. If not--I'm at my kitchen table right working from home, so don't even think about robbing me. If you're my Mom, though, you can def. send some cookies.