Monday, September 14, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are: Sneak Preview

Oh wait, that's Lady Gaga looking like a damn fool at the VMA's. Not gonna lie, I thought she sounded great in the live rendition of her paparazzi love/hate ballad. But her costumes looked like one major wardrobe malfunction after another. I also was not feeling the crazy wheelchair girl and bloody chest stunt. It looked like a mash-up of the True Blood season finale (disappointing) and an old Madonna performance (but way less good).

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

That Soft Focus Ain't Foolin Anyone

By my calculations (random guessing), the members of the backstreet boys are well into their late thirties. Some may be hovering around 42. And this new vampire-themed video of theirs reeks of riding the coat-tails of a pop-culture trend to get a little attention.

One of the "boys" is almost entirely bald, but you'll have to look closely, as he never takes center stage. (the cue ball can be glimpsed in their I-youtubed-old-New-Kids-concert-footage dance sequence.)

I'm feeling a little depressed for my "generation," even though, ahem, I'm way younger than these douches, it was my cohort that brought them to fame. I may have even played a song or two of theirs in my car on the way to school. I said MIGHT.

I don't know why they can't just catapult one member to fame, one to homo outer space, and the rest into self-hating obscurity like N'Sync? It seems the logical thing to do.